Our family journey…Foster to Adoption.
I didn’t want to let this month go by without talking a little bit about how our family was created through foster care. It is fitting that May is National Foster Care Month, the same month we adopted through foster care. People choose to foster for many reasons. There are some amazing people who open up their homes and hearts to children in need. The sad truth is, there are just not enough. There are not enough safe homes for temporary placements, or permanent homes for children waiting to be adopted. In our case the goal was always adoption. We went through the necessary MAPP training with a mixture of…
Happy Birthday Mom!!
Before this day ends, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the day. Today my mom would have been 72 years old. It amazes me that this is the 8th birthday that this woman has not been able to celebrate her life with us. Today I think of how grateful I am to still be blessed with the gifts she bestowed upon us. What comes to mind is something she said to me over 20 years ago when I was going through a particularly trying time. She said “you will get through this, and you will be stronger because of it”. I think of all the times those…