Embrace the Suck…
Most days I swear I got this. My family grateful that I am able to work from home even as I wish I could go in, reminding me of the repercussions that Covid-19 would have on someone with stage 3 chronic kidney disease. So I work from home and home school my kids, and man does it suck. For me working from home involves 8 hours of triaging from my basement, all while trying to keep my children focused on getting their assignments done. I have failed, hence my children sitting at the kitchen table on a Saturday catching up on all the things they haven’t done. You would think…
New Beginnings in Changed World…
So I got a face book memory the other day reminding me that a year ago I went public with my blog. A year ago I was struggling with a new diagnosis, undergoing treatment that made me feel worse than the disease, and trying to stay positive about the physical changes that were occurring because of it. A year later-my health is stable but, the world is not. This was supposed to be my year, the next chapter starting with a new home and improved health. It’s amazing how much everything has changed in a matter of weeks. Personally speaking my kids and I are starting a new chapter of…